Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rename a File in Batch File

The Following helps in renaming a file using datatime stamp

// you are creating date stamp variable

FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date/t') do set d=%%k%%j%%l

// you are creating Time stamp variable

FOR /F "tokens=1-9 delims=:. " %%i in ('time/t') do set t=%%i%%j
// Here Renaming

ren abcd.doc new_%d%%t%.doc

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

“The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections”

“The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections” error can be solved and conencted to the computer by entering the following script at run

mstsc /v: /console

Replace with your server’s IP Address or server name.

Monday, August 20, 2007

DAC Error Address already in use: JVM_Bind

The Poroblem:

DAC fails with the following error and wont restart!
ANOMALY INFO::: There is already a QSERVER running at the port 3141
Shutting down server...
MESSAGE:::Address already in use: JVM_Bind
EXCEPTION CLASS::: Method) Source) Source) Source)
6 SEVERE Mon Aug 20 00:11:25 EDT 2007
ANOMALY INFO::: There is already a QSERVER running at the port 3141
Shutting down server...
MESSAGE:::Address already in use: JVM_Bind


netstat -a -n -o 3141

Then identify the process Id and kill that process using task manager and restart your DAC servre.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

On demand CRM why or why not

on demand crm is get popularity as it is simple to impliment and maintain. The other side of the coin are the data security, customozation,integartion as per the client requirements are some of the issues need to be considered.

Richard Smith Vice President of CRM strategy, put together an article arguing why on-premise CRM is better than on-demand CRM. He brings up several good points such as security, cost, integration, and speed as to why on premise CRM is better.

you can visit his complete article at

Monday, June 4, 2007

Put to the Test: Oracle BI Enterprise Edition

Very good article from Cindi Howson

The tool is good at

Meta data layer as three layers number one physical layer, business modeling and mapping layer and presentation layer. Using physical layer, you can connect to any database and BMM layer provides source independence and business logical view of the report requirement. Its very simple tool and creating simple joins is a click away. Simple joiner joins with primary keys.

View blog authority

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Implementing Siebel Analytics – CRM

I would like to explain the implementation methodology for Siebel CRM analytics provided by oracle. I prefer the following methodology for implementing Siebel analytics – Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Understanding stage:
Identify and understand the following.

How facts are calculated
Who uses them
Key facts or measures
what are the dimensions
What are the problems areas for the business to monitor
Identify measures and dimensions
Organize dimensions and measures into subject areas.
Data sources

To know the above we need to understand

Business of the customer,
Business objectives
How the performance is measured and drilldown this measure into subject areas
Users and levels
Types of the reports


Subject areas identified
Facts and measures are identified
User types are identified
Data sources available

Design stage:

Compare the reports available in vanilla Siebel analytics
Start development on 75% and above matching answers and dash boards
Later add new dashboards and answers
Compare Subject areas and identify the subject areas matching with the subject areas identified
Add the subjects new subject areas only when the existing subject areas not meeting the requirements
Align the repository design according to the subject area requirements.
Start either from the presentation layer or business model layer

Validate and testing:

1. Validate and test whether the user requirements are met and then follow from the understanding stage.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Practice Linux online

Today I found an excellent web for newbies to Linux. The site offers both tutorials and also online terminals such telnet, ssh or java telnet client. Using one of these clients you can login to remote virtual machine by root user and start practicing your sessions from the tutorials.

The site is , first you need to
Register and login to account links.

After that join queue
Then switch on the system.

Once you get the run or completed prompt, go to connect and copy the url/ip to your telnet client.
That’s all it so nice.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Good CRM Blog

i found one good crm blog which deals all about the CRM..such as resources, books softares and trends..just go through this you can get to know.

Employee Relationship management

I feel many of the organizations try to follow the procedures and not interested in processes।


I would like to take a important example of yearly assessments/appraisals. The main drawback of the appraisal system is its uni-directional in many organizations i.e the supervisor only assesses the appraise and no feedback to the supervisor. Ho can one knows the performance/behavior/interpersonal relationships affected by his मनागेमेंत

Procedure vs. process

The aspect of the appraisals is that , they just follow the dates..the number of points to be added/deleted, and not really take holistic approach of understanding the performance of the employee. The challenge is that is there any ERM that deals with this flaw


In india , the CRM market still underdeveloped or not aware of in the SME zone. The sme zone cane be
mini and large (chain)super markets
government agencies
transportation agencies
IT companies..(employee relationship management)
out of the few above, the government could be the best fit for CRM. Many open source products are available in the market and can be easily implemented.
Some of them are ..
i will write next on employee relationship management in my next post

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Siebel Analytics installation flow.

  1. Install Prerequisites
    j2sdk > 142
    set environment variables
  2. Install the Analytics Platform
    Create scheduler tables
  3. Install analytics applications
    Customer centric applications such as supply chain management
  4. Install Informatica
    Patch it if required
  5. Configure DAC
  6. Create DAC Mata data repository
  7. Create data warehouse tables
  8. Upgrade transactional database schema
  9. Create delete triggers
  10. Create informatica repository
  11. Configure informatica repository
  12. Set up Informatica server
  13. Set up informatica repository server
  14. Set server in workflow manager
  15. load seed data for customer centric applications
    Merge ANALYTIC repositories IF ANY।

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Few Important Basics Analytics

Foreign key in FACT table has reference to the primary key in dimension table.
Business model has two or more logical tables and each table has two or more logical columns. Logical table is on top of Physical table. It can combine the contents of two or more physical tables or from other logical tables.
Facts are analyzed by dimensions.
In hierarchical dimension, one attributes rolls up to ANOTHER, FORMING ONE TO MANY RELATIONSHIP.
Star and Snowflake:
Stars have one to many relationships between the logical dimension tables and logical Fact tables.
Snow flake has relationships between dimensions too
Create bridge table, to create many to many relationships between dimension tables and fact tables.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Basics of Siebel analytics solutions

Siebel provides the following three types of analytics.

Stand alone analytics
Siebel analytics (CRM)
Siebel analytics ( enterprise)

Stand alone analytics Basics:

Siebel provides platform components to access the data warehouse (custom) and analytics administration tool to create and edit Meta data content, used to create reports and analytics server to process client requests and analytics web server to provide answers and dash boards over web.

Siebel Analytics (CRM)

Siebel Analytics (CRM) provides a customized data ware house (SRMW)and pre built Meta data (repository data) content that is useful to analyze the users business which has already deployed any customer application. This is provided in addition to the components provided as part of Siebel analytics. The limitation is users cant access other database other than CRM application data and customized data ware house

Siebel analytics (enterprise)

In addition to all of the above, customers can access any data base if they got enterprise license.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Open source CRM and analytics

Open source an interesting area where I am interested in starting business. Does any one of you interested please ping me

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Siebel Analytics Open Intelligence Interface

When installing open intelligence interface we get an error “cant copy ***.cat file as it is already existing” . to avoid this we need to stop all Siebel analytics services and also take back up of that particular file and reinstall again. You can successful install

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Localdb/Mobile Client login errors

Today I got a peculiar issue where one of my developer usually able to log in and work properly, suddenly he is facing errors “the authentication subsystem failed, user name and password entered is incorrect”.

Diagnosis: The user is directly working on the server and he established two connections and in one of the session, dbgen.exe using the database so no new connections are established.

As local database is already used by the dbgen process and another process cant be initiated and the developer is receiving an the above error

Solution: Kill the dbgen process and login.

Friday, April 6, 2007

How to shutdown the remote system

To day i got a problem in rebooting the system and i serched the web and found the process. to shoutdown any system remotely, you should be in the same network and should have access. if you have access to the system, then issue the follwoing command

Shutdown /r /f /m //machinename or IP/t 20 /d p:5:12 /c "shutting down as it is not reboted properly"

r : restart
f :forcbly
m: followed by machine name
t :wait time in seconds
d p : planned/unplanned follwoed by integer number
c : reason for restart.

Note:This command is used only in windows servers.